Story behind the Janus linoprint

This short video blog demonstrates how I created my handmade Janus linoprint and what it was inspired by. This reduction linoprint is eight layers of Schmincke water based printmaking ink, created using my normal Japanese Printmaking Relief Vinyl and Pfeil carving tools.

The design is inspired by the origin of the word January, from the ancient Roman calendars. Janus is the ancient Roman god of beginnings, doorways, arched passages, and passing or going places. Janus is a two headed ancient god, who looks into the past, and future, so I carved two figures, looking through different doorways, into two different years.

I incorporated keys and clocks, as Janus is often depicted with these items, and I was really inspired by the old Roman myths and stories to carve these into my vinyl, before inking and pressing each layer to paper.

As you can see in the video below, as each layer of colour is printed, more of the original vinyl block is carved away, until there is almost nothing left of the block at the end. I create limited edition runs of prints, and there are only six copies of Janus, with no further copies able to be made. This print will form part of a monthly series based on the month names in the calendar, inspired by the original ancient Roman myths, gods and stories.


Rubber stamp making and printing


Printmaking with blue easy carve surface